Monday, January 8, 2018


2 posts in one day? Madness! Possibly, but multiple posts help me organize my thoughts a bit and hopefully stay on topic. Now that I've gone over some generalities, I hope to post more specific thoughts.

First of all, this idea is based on another website I found, so here's his official shout out - .

I haven't even read the whole thing, but I really enjoy his presentation, and our lives are very very different. That covers how this project began.

What about my other project? Project kiddo? How did all that come to be? 

As mentioned in my first post, Mandy dealt with a health issue that required her to stop taking her birth control pill. We had both come to accept that kids were not in our future. At 48, I wrote it off long ago. For Mandy, she simply had not met a person she had any desire to settle down with. After hearing some of the stories, I can't blame her.

At the time of this change, Mandy was 39. She shared with me that if she were to try for a child, this would be the last year. She asked about my thoughts, and I was all for it. I tend to live my life.... in a way that can be described in quite a few ways, I suppose. She was prepared for months of trying, but I assured her it would probably happen quickly if it happened at all. How I knew this is another story for another day.

We waited some time before we tried, as it seems that when a woman goes off the pill, she is supposed to let her body go through a cycle or two. She's the lady with the cycle, so I took her word for it. I don't think I'm spoiling anything in saying we succeeded! 

There have been a number of discussions since then, especially because of how my bad back factors in. Not to brag, but not only do I have a herniated disc or two, but I also have facet joint arthritis. In short, I'm a wreck. I was due for spinal fusion surgery, which would have left me fairly functional, but my insurance through work denied it. Beware - if your company uses Encore, be prepared to fight for what you need. I didn't have the fight in me. I settled for an ablation, which burned off some nerve endings, and makes sitting more tolerable. 

Based on my declining condition and the fact that I could no longer do my job, it was decided that I will be a stay at home dad. We have a great network of friends, and several have recently had children themselves, so I am expecting a pretty great support network. It's so easy to forget that all it ever takes is one decision in one moment to change the rest of your life forever.

I've been aware of that idea for some time, especially on a smaller level. Decisions you make today that don't seem to mean much can have consequences you'd never have expected.

Next up (I think) - Life since conception.

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